The Top 10 Information You Need To Know About Moroccan Rugs:
You must have wondered about Moroccan rugs or Berber carpets in all its aspects, today we brought you a set of information through which we will discuss all the features of Moroccan carpets.
Here we will put in your hands the top 10 features or information that you may know for the first time. If you wonder about the different between Amzigh Or Berber Or Moroccan please Click Here to understand.
General Idea about Moroccan Rugs Or Berber Carpets:
Let us first make it a little easier. Moroccan rugs or Berber carpets are hand-woven by Berber women who master the art of weaving. Amazigh women have the patience that men lack, so they do a great job for the duration of the carpet, it is very difficult to specify in detail this period, we say about six months, but here we must take into account that this period may change according to the quality of the carpet, if The carpet contains several drawings and geometric shapes, these shapes change from one region to another, each region is characterized by its own and unique kind. We can say that most of the geometric shapes and symbols that carpets carry is a legacy passed down from one generation to the next. From this point of view, we can determine to which region these carpets belong or to which region the maker of this carpet belongs. We cannot forget that every woman has her own creativity. And how does she deal with carpets and her emotional state while weaving this carpet, and this explains to us the difference between carpets from each other. Sometimes we may come across two rugs that are somewhat similar, but it is impossible to find two rugs that are completely identical, because each woman has her own view and privacy, and each woman has her own expression through which she expresses her feelings and emotions.
Colours and dyeing:
For the colors found in the Amazigh/Moroccan rugs or Berber carpets, they are natural colors that are inspired and extracted from the ecological environment to which these carpets belong. Amazigh women use a group of plants, leaves, pomegranates, flowers, soil and herbs to create natural colors. The women boil water with some of these herbs according to the desired color, and the boiling period and the required quantity range according to the type of color required, light or dark, and a specific amount is dyed. Wool has been washed well to make sure that it is transmitted, or it is washed with vinegar or bull urine to fix the color to be water-resistant, so it is washed well and spread under the sun.
Wool Preparation Stages:
The preparation of wool for the purpose of weaving takes place through multiple stages that are difficult to mention in all its details because of the rituals and ceremonial and religious rituals it contains, but we will mention some of them only in order to enrich our readers with valuable information that they must know before enjoying this authentic traditional art.
The first process that takes place during the onset of the temperature rise during the months of May and June, when sheepโs wool is shaved, and this wool is stored in an unventilated container for a period of no less than six months to remove the grease. It is natural wool like our hair. It is very normal for this grease to spread In all stock wool, this spread of grease which makes the wool wet and silky, so it is washed well several times and combed well to remove the thorns stuck in it. Then cames the stage of dyeing which we explain befor.
Set up the Weaving machine poles /the loom/ that feature very complex rituals, chants, and imitations. Finally comes the stage of weaving , and it takes, as we mentioned, about six months at least. It is the stage of creativity, the stage of communication and long conversation between the woman and the rug. And we finally get Moroccan carpet or Berber rug, bearing speech for months, carrying the feelings and emotions of the diligent and creative woman, who melted and laughed with her rug. She shared her crying.
So we get a new creature that treats asย human being with a soul, soul and life, and it may one day be in the hands of other people, either through gifts or buying and selling, but so the Amazigh was never an element or a tool, but rather a soul that must be taken care of by enjoying looking at it to remind us of his long and arduous journey To end up here.
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